Natur­salz­pee­ling & Bäder
Natu­ral salt bath with pee­ling

I would like to thank you for your loyal­ty at the loca­ti­on Fuschl and i look for­ward to wel­co­ming you to my stu­dio in Bad Ischl.


Com­bi­ne the nice thing with the useful: My mas­sa­ges and tre­at­ments relax your body – and calm your soul. My well­ness packa­ge is put tog­e­ther from expe­ri­ence, exper­ti­se and pas­si­on. I tail­or my tre­at­ments and pro­grams tar­ge­ted to your indi­vi­du­al needs from to maxi­mi­ze their impact. You will expe­ri­ence it: Your well-being is the result of my pro­fes­sio­nal hand-work. I look for­ward to pam­pe­ring you.

Let yours­elf be pam­pe­red.

Enjoy my who­le­so­me, medi­cal mas­sa­ges

Who­le or par­ti­al body mas­sa­ge using tar­ge­ted water power

Reli­e­ve stress and relax

Glamo­rous nails which will delight you a long time

Baths with indi­vi­du­al imple­men­ta­ti­ons