Privacy Policy


right of providing information

You have the right to infor­ma­ti­on at any time about the data stored about you, its ori­gin and reci­pi­ent as well as the pur­po­se of sto­rage.

Personal information

Per­so­nal data that you trans­mit elec­tro­ni­cal­ly on this web­site will only be used by us for the spe­ci­fied pur­po­se, will be kept secu­re and will not be pas­sed on to third par­ties. The pro­vi­der auto­ma­ti­cal­ly coll­ects and stores infor­ma­ti­on on the web ser­ver. This data can­not be assi­gned to spe­ci­fic peo­p­le wit­hout che­cking other data sources and we do not eva­lua­te this data as long as the­re is no ille­gal use of our web­site.


This web­site does NOT use coo­kies. If coo­kies are stored in your brow­ser, they are tech­ni­cal­ly neces­sa­ry ses­si­on coo­kies. We have no influence on the­se.

Koko Analytics

This web­site uses Koko Ana­ly­tics. Koko Ana­ly­tics has been con­fi­gu­red so that all usa­ge data is pro­ces­sed anony­mously. It is not pos­si­ble to draw any con­clu­si­ons about you per­so­nal­ly. The data is stored exclu­si­ve­ly on our own ser­ver and never lea­ves Aus­tria or the Euro­pean Uni­on.

External data and service providers

Google Maps

This web­site may use Goog­le Maps to dis­play map infor­ma­ti­on. When using Goog­le Maps, Goog­le also coll­ects, pro­ces­ses and uses data about the use of the Maps func­tions by visi­tors to the web­sites. Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on about data pro­ces­sing by Goog­le can be found in Google’s data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­ti­on at The­re you can also chan­ge your set­tings in the data pro­tec­tion cen­ter so that you can mana­ge and pro­tect your data.

Google Fonts

We can use Goog­le Fonts on our web­site. The­se are free open source fonts from Goog­le Inc. The­se fonts are inte­gra­ted local­ly on the ser­ver and are not pro­vi­ded by the Goog­le ser­ver. In Euro­pe, the com­pa­ny Goog­le Ire­land Limi­t­ed (Gor­don House, Bar­row Street Dub­lin 4, Ire­land) is respon­si­ble for the­se ser­vices. You don’t need to sign in to use Goog­le Fonts. Fur­ther­mo­re, no coo­kies are stored in your brow­ser. The fonts are pro­vi­ded via and and, accor­ding to Goog­le, are sepa­ra­te from all other ser­vices.

Data protection declaration for the use of YouTube

Func­tions of the You­Tube ser­vice may be imple­men­ted on our web­site. The­se func­tions are offe­red by You­Tube, LLC, 901 Cher­ry Ave., San Bru­no, CA 94066, USA. The embedded vide­os store coo­kies on the users’ com­pu­ters when they access the web­site. Anyo­ne who has deac­ti­va­ted the set­ting of coo­kies for the Goog­le adver­ti­sing pro­gram will not have to expect such coo­kies when vie­w­ing You­Tube vide­os. Howe­ver, You­Tube also stores non-per­so­nal usa­ge infor­ma­ti­on in other coo­kies. If you want to pre­vent this, you must block it in the brow­ser.

Data protection declaration for the use of Instagram

Func­tions of the Insta­gram ser­vice may be inte­gra­ted into our web­site. The­se func­tions are offe­red by Insta­gram Inc., 1601 Wil­low Road, Men­lo Park, CA, 94025, USA. If you are log­ged into your Insta­gram account, you can link the con­tent of our pages to your Insta­gram pro­fi­le by cli­cking on the Insta­gram but­ton. This allows Insta­gram to assign your visit to our pages to your user account. We would like to point out that, as pro­vi­ders of the pages, we have no know­ledge of the con­tent of the trans­mit­ted data or its use by Insta­gram. Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found in Instagram’s data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­ti­on at

Data protection declaration for the use of Facebook

Plug­ins from the social net­work Face­book, 1601 South Cali­for­nia Ave­nue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA may be inte­gra­ted into our pages. You can reco­gni­ze the Face­book plug­ins by the Face­book logo or the “Like but­ton”. (“Like”) on our page. When you visit our pages, the plug­in estab­lishes a direct con­nec­tion bet­ween your brow­ser and the Face­book ser­ver. Face­book ther­eby recei­ves the infor­ma­ti­on that You have visi­ted our site with your IP address. If you use the Face­book “Like but­ton” If you click while you are log­ged in to your Face­book account, you can link the con­tent of our pages to your Face­book pro­fi­le. This allows Face­book to assign your visit to our pages to your user account. We would like to point out that as the pro­vi­der of the pages, we have no know­ledge of the con­tent of the trans­mit­ted data or its use by Face­book. Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found in Facebook’s data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­ti­on at If you do not want Face­book to be able to assign your visit to our pages to your Face­book user account, plea­se log out of your Face­book user account.

Data protection declaration for the use of Twitter

Func­tions of the Twit­ter ser­vice may be inte­gra­ted into our web­site. The­se func­tions are offe­red by Twit­ter Inc., Twit­ter, Inc. 1355 Mar­ket St, Suite 900, San Fran­cis­co, CA 94103, USA. By using Twit­ter and the func­tions of the Twit­ter but­tons, the web­sites you visit are lin­ked to your Twit­ter account and made known to other users. Data is also trans­fer­red to Twit­ter. We would like to point out that, as the web­site pro­vi­der, we have no know­ledge of the con­tent of the trans­mit­ted data or its use by Twit­ter. Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found in Twitter’s data pro­tec­tion poli­cy at

Data protection declaration for the use of Pinterest

On our web­site we can use social plug­ins from the social net­work Pin­te­rest, which is ope­ra­ted by Pin­te­rest Inc., 635 High Street, Palo Alto, CA, 94301, USA (“Pin­te­rest”). When you access a page that con­ta­ins such a plug­in, your brow­ser estab­lishes a direct con­nec­tion to Pinterest’s ser­vers. The plug­in trans­mits data to the Pin­te­rest ser­ver. This data may include your IP address, the address of the web­sites visi­ted that also con­tain Pin­te­rest func­tions, the type and set­tings of the brow­ser, the date and time of the request, how you use Pin­te­rest and coo­kies. Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on the pur­po­se, scope and fur­ther pro­ces­sing and use of data by Pin­te­rest as well as your rights and opti­ons for pro­tec­ting your pri­va­cy can be found in Pinterest’s data pro­tec­tion gui­de­lines: https://about.pinterest. com/­de/­pri­va­cy-poli­cy.

Data protection declaration for the use of LinkedIn

Our web­site can use func­tions of the social media net­work Lin­ke­dIn. The pro­vi­der is Lin­ke­dIn Cor­po­ra­ti­on, 2029 Stier­lin Court, Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA. Every time one of our web­sites that con­ta­ins Lin­ke­dIn func­tions is acces­sed, a con­nec­tion is estab­lished to Lin­ke­dIn ser­vers. Lin­ke­dIn is infor­med that you have visi­ted our web­site with your IP address. If you click on the Lin­ke­dIn but­tons and are log­ged into your Lin­ke­dIn account, it is pos­si­ble for Lin­ke­dIn to assign your visit to our web­site to you and your user account. We would like to point out that, as the pro­vi­der of the pages, we have no know­ledge of the con­tent of the trans­mit­ted data or its use by Lin­ke­dIn. Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found in LinkedIn’s data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­ti­on at

Data protection declaration for the use of XING

We can use func­tions of the social media net­work XING on our web­site. The pro­vi­der is XING AG, Damm­tor­stra­ße 29–32, 20354 Ham­burg, Ger­ma­ny. Every time you access one of our pages that con­ta­ins XING func­tions, a con­nec­tion is estab­lished to XING ser­vers. XING may be infor­med that you have visi­ted our web­site with your IP address. If you click on the XING but­tons and are log­ged into your XING account, it may be pos­si­ble for XING to assign your visit to our web­site to you and your user account. We would like to point out that, as pro­vi­ders of the pages, we have no know­ledge of the con­tent of the trans­mit­ted data or its use by XING. Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on about data pro­tec­tion at XING can be found in the data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­ti­on at

Questions about the protection of personal rights

If you have any questions or concerns about the privacy policy, please contact us. To do this, send us a message. Contact details can be found in the legal notice.

Of cour­se, you can ask us what data about you is pro­ces­sed, whe­re this data comes from, what it is used for and to whom it is trans­mit­ted. Of cour­se, you can also cor­rect incor­rect data or have data pro­ces­sed in an unlawful man­ner dele­ted. The pro­vi­si­ons of the Data Pro­tec­tion Act app­ly.

We are entit­led to chan­ge the data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­ti­on from time to time. If mate­ri­al chan­ges are made, a noti­ce will be pos­ted on our web­site along with the updated ver­si­on of the Pri­va­cy Poli­cy.

As of: September 2024