Would you love to be com­ple­te­ly pam­pe­red for once, do some­thing gre­at for yours­elf, take some time out and real­ly relax? In my atmo­sphe­re of well­be­ing with its fri­end­ly, light ambi­ance, you will be ten­ded to from head to toe by high­ly skil­led hands.

After a com­pre­hen­si­ve preli­mi­na­ry con­sul­ta­ti­on, i crea­te for you the best pos­si­ble mas­sa­ge tre­at­ment sui­ted to your indi­vi­du­al needs and wis­hes.
I’m loo­king for­ward very much to your visit!

Brigitte Pichler

For more than 15 years now I have been prac­ti­cing as a mas­sa­ge the­ra­pist and chi­ro­po­dist – 15 years in which I have lost not­hing of love and pas­si­on for my job, on the con­tra­ry, if you come to me and relax after a tre­at­ment and with smi­le again, the­se are for me the con­fir­ma­ti­on of how gre­at and important my job is. Then I also achie­ved my goal, to have pre­pared you well-being and reli­ef.
In this sen­se, I look for­ward to see­ing you – every day anew.

Gra­dua­ted, sta­te-trai­ned, cer­ti­fied health and well­ness mas­seur and medi­cal pedi­cu­re.
Born 1964 in the green Sty­ria,
Mar­ried and mother of three child­ren.
Sin­ce 2007 in the field of mas­sa­ge and foot care self-employ­ed.