During the clas­si­cal mas­sa­ge, the mus­cles are gent­ly kne­a­ded. By using dif­fe­rent tech­ni­ques such as stro­king, kne­a­ding or flex­ing move­ments, mus­cle ten­si­on and cramps are loo­se­ned. A gene­ral phy­si­cal and men­tal rela­xa­ti­on achie­ved. Frees from stress and lifts the mood.
Dura­ti­on approx. 25 minu­tes
€ 39,00

Fre­quent­ly cal­led clas­sic mas­sa­ge, the Swe­dish mas­sa­ge is a typi­cal back mas­sa­ge. With this type of mas­sa­ge, alter­na­ting and par­ti­cu­lar­ly rhyth­mic move­ments inclu­ding kne­a­ding, rota­ting, vibra­ting and wrin­ging are used which help loo­sen and relax the mus­cles.
Dura­ti­on approx. 40 minu­tes
€ 59,00

This tre­at­ment is a very spe­cial and effi­ci­ent mas­sa­ge for the extre­me­ly ten­se, infla­med and pain­ful back and neck area. The mas­sa­ge is clas­sic and inten­si­ve, com­bi­ned with hot stones and cup­ping glas­ses, loo­sening the agglu­ti­na­ted con­nec­ti­ve tis­sue and the mus­cu­la­tu­re.
Dura­ti­on approx. 40 minu­tes
€ 69,00

Indi­vi­du­al­ly tail­o­red to the pro­blems of the cus­to­mer.
This ten­der full body mas­sa­ge espe­ci­al­ly reli­e­ves ten­si­on in the who­le body. The inten­se phy­si­cal cont­act boosts your well-being, increa­ses the blood cir­cu­la­ti­on and eases pain.
Dura­ti­on approx. 60 minu­tes
€ 89,00
By plea­sant and soot­hing grip tech­ni­que, the rem­oval of water reten­ti­on in the tis­sue is pro­mo­ted. A gent­le lymph drai­na­ge helps to pre­vent brui­sing, inju­ries, con­ges­ti­on and ede­ma, hea­vy legs and migrai­ne.
Dura­ti­on approx. 60 minu­tes
€ 89,00
A com­bi­na­ti­on based on clas­si­cal mas­sa­ge tech­ni­ques as well as foot reflexolo­gy mas­sa­ges. Mus­cle ten­si­on is reli­e­ved while your cir­cu­la­ti­on and meta­bo­lism are sti­mu­la­ted.
Dura­ti­on approx. 50 minu­tes
€ 79,00

The con­di­ti­on of our feet is a reflec­tion of our body. By app­ly­ing pres­su­re on cer­tain reflex-zones of the foot, this spe­cial the­ra­py acti­va­tes the inner organs and joints and impro­ves their sup­p­ly. Acu­te and chro­nic dys­func­tions can be les­se­ned and the immu­ne sys­tem can be streng­the­ned.
Dura­ti­on approx. 25 minu­tes
€ 39,00

The ener­gy of life flows through the body on cer­tain streams (meri­di­ans). The aim of the acu­p­unc­tu­re mas­sa­ge is to har­mo­ni­ze the ener­gy flow of the enti­re body by releasing tho­se streams from blo­cka­des and dys­func­tions. By app­ly­ing a the­ra­py stick along the meri­di­an you will gain new power and ener­gy.
Dura­ti­on approx. 25 minu­tes
€ 39,00
only in your Hotel
Available on request
Month­ly Spe­cials, Block of 6 (6+1) and Vou­ch­ers
Available on request

The most plea­sant appli­ca­ti­on of oils is the aro­ma oil mas­sa­ge. The natu­ral oils act local­ly or via ener­gy chan­nels (ner­ves, meri­di­ans, chakras, etc.) acti­vat­ing, rela­xing, stress-redu­cing, soot­hing and nou­ris­hing. Through expe­ri­en­ced hands, the­se natu­ral oils are mas­sa­ged rela­xing on the who­le body or even only on cer­tain body points (acu­p­unc­tu­re points, reflex zones, etc.) during the aro­ma oil mas­sa­ge. The natu­ral oils enter the body via the skin, whe­re they deve­lop their spe­ci­fic effect in just a few minu­tes.
Dura­ti­on approx. 60 minu­tes
€ 89,00

Hot Stone is an Asi­an mas­sa­ge using hot basalt stones. This incre­di­ble com­bi­na­ti­on pro­vi­des body and mind with power and vita­li­ty.
Dura­ti­on approx. 60 minu­tes
€ 89,00
The Ayur­ve­dic Abhyan­ga mas­sa­ge is the nicest of all warm oil-mas­sa­ges. An incre­di­ble fee­ling of enti­re­ness and full­ness ari­ses. With soft and stro­king move­ments, the body expe­ri­en­ces peace and rela­xa­ti­on. Enjoy­ing an Abhyan­ga means a deep fusi­on of body, mind and soul.
Dura­ti­on approx. 60 minu­tes
€ 89,00
Are you loo­king for some­thing real­ly spe­cial? Then you will just love this anci­ent Hawai­i­an mas­sa­ge tech­ni­que. This mas­sa­ge is like the powerful and wave­li­ke dance of the sea. This spe­cial mas­sa­ge is car­ri­ed out with hands and under­arms using warm coco­nut oil while lis­tening to Hawai­i­an sounds. Expe­ri­ence a deep rela­xa­ti­on.
Dura­ti­on approx. 60 minu­tes
€ 99,00
Month­ly Spe­cials, Block of 6 (6+1) and Vou­ch­ers
Available on request
Well­ness-Packa­ge 3 in 1:
• Sisi’s beau­ty bath espe­ci­al­ly for ladies
• Natu­ral salt pee­ling
• Clas­sic who­le body mas­sa­ge
Dura­ti­on approx. 120 minu­tes
€ 149,00
Well­ness-Packa­ge 3 in 1:
• Emper­or-Franz-Josef-Bath espe­ci­al­ly for men
• Natu­ral salt pee­ling
• Clas­sic who­le body mas­sa­ge
Dura­ti­on approx. 120 minu­tes
€ 149,00
Dura­ti­on 25 minu­tes
€ 49,00
Dura­ti­on approx. 20 minu­tes
€ 29,00
Month­ly Spe­cials, Block of 6 (6+1) and Vou­ch­ers
Available on request

Foot care inclu­ding With her­bal bath, exfo­li­a­ti­on and feet mas­sa­ge with Hyper­ke­ra­to­sis, corns, ingrown toe­nails
Dura­ti­on approx. 60–90 minu­tes
€ 49,00 – 65,00

Pri­ces depend on the indi­vi­du­al
needs and pro­blem feet!

Fil­ing of nails, cutic­le work, hand soak, exfo­li­a­ti­on and hand mas­sa­ge
Dura­ti­on approx. 60 minu­tes
€ 45,00

Last up to 3 weeks (hand) and 6 weeks (feet)
Coat is dried imme­dia­te­ly
Dura­ti­on approx. 30 minu­tes
€ 39,00
Dura­ti­on approx. 30 minu­tes
€ 10,00
Color & top coat includes coa­ting
Dura­ti­on approx. 30 minu­tes
€ 45,00
Dura­ti­on approx. 30 minu­tes
€ 10,00
Month­ly Spe­cials, Block of 6 (6+1) and Vou­ch­ers
Available on request

If you are unable to attend, i ask you to inform me in good time about your can­cel­la­ti­on!
(Up to at least two days befo­re)

As i stri­ve to har­mo­ni­ze all appoint­ments opti­mal­ly and the tre­at­ments requi­re a cer­tain pre­pa­ra­to­ry peri­od, can­cel­la­ti­ons will be bil­led after this peri­od of 2 days with 50% of the boo­ked tre­at­ment.In case of non-pay­ment, 100% will be char­ged. The­se can­cel­la­ti­on con­di­ti­ons app­ly equal­ly to tre­at­ments in the stu­dio as well as in the hotel.

I would like to point out that my stu­dio in Bad Ischl as well as for all hotel tre­at­ments are only cash pos­si­ble.

Cre­dit and debit cards (VISA, Mas­ter­Card, Ame­ri­can Express, Diners Club, etc.), ATM cards (Maes­tro, V PAY etc.) and all other elec­tro­nic pay­ment opti­ons are NOT available.

Thank you for your under­stan­ding!